Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Break From Books

I will probably post my review for Early Autumn this coming week so look for that. Right now we're going to take a break from my book reviews for a recipe review. The other day my husband saw a post on about a vintage recipe. You can read the article here The recipe is for Frank and Corn Crown.

Now my husband and I love to cook and try new recipes so when we saw this we decided we had to try it. I was convinced that it wouldn't be too bad, my husband on the other hand was a little concerned and my kids were just plain excited. I mean, come on a crown made of hot dogs! What could be better? It was easy to make and kind of fun too (as a side note we omitted the green peppers as I have a complete dislike for cooked peppers ever since my second pregnancy).

What did everyone think of it? Well, the kids LOVED the hotdogs, each of them ate at least 3 of them but I'm not sure they liked the corn stuffing in the middle. What did the adults think? It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't that good. My main problem with it was the texture of the corn stuff in the middle, it was a little mushy and so I had a problem eating it. So my final thoughts - I think that this recipe is better if it was kept in the vault for good.

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